Gumption is one of those important things.
Everyone who has heard of gumption probably recognizes that it is good and necessary a good life. But what is it?
Gumption is an attitude, a way of interacting with the events of life.
An online dictionary defines it as "enterprise, initiative." But those words alone are not able to capture what gumption means in real life. It means a sort of strength that is uncommon among the race of mere mortals--the mental and emotional strength to withstand difficulty, to weather all storms when in search of treasure, to know the right and pursue it ceaselessly. Gumption requires one to fight for the good and the beautiful, to stand above the soiled mobs who fight for lesser things.
Gumption is higher and broader and--dare I say it?--more romantic than a materialistic enterprise or a self-centered initiative. There is a glow of dignity and respect in voice when one says it. Gumption.
A man by the name of Gumption stands at the front lines of any truly vital encounter with the Enemy, holding aloft an unsoiled flag, not to bring glory to himself, but to call others to the Cause.
Gumption is a necessary ingredient of strong Christian character. What is the good of knowing the right if one does not also seek out that good thing and cherish it and defend it from harm and die for it, if need be? Gumption is an attribute that needs an object, a goal, a purpose. One cannot possess gumption without putting it to some good use, for then it would cease to be gumption. For not only is gumption an attitude and an attribute, but it is also an active thing.
Hear the trumpet calling you to battle.
Know the truth.
Love justice.
Faithfully defend the right.
Men of gumption, go forth and conquer!