My name is Leticia, and I am in my early twenties as I write this. My most recent accomplishment is graduating with a Bachelor's degree in history from Patrick Henry College, a Christian liberal arts college in Purcellville, Virginia. I look back on massive changes in my intellectual life throughout those college years. (I actually think a lot more now!) But I also look forward--sometimes eagerly and sometimes timidly--to changes across the whole spectrum of my life. The opportunities for change and growth are nearly limitless, yet I want to remain faithful and maintain stability in the important things.
For two years, this blog sat "abandoned" with a lone post called "Introduction" before I really began to write here. I originally planned a limited topic for the blog, but never quite got around to writing everything I intended on it. I must thank the author of Dark and Brite, who suggested that faithful blogging was much simpler without a limited topic or time limit, and Scott Dinsmore, who created a month-long blogging challenge on his site. At first, I determined to begin the blog afresh. However, I soon realized that "dancing with Daddy" is an amazing metaphor for all of life. While dancing with our heavenly Father, we can accomplish every good change or rest stable and secure in the palm of His hand while the winds of change howl around us. Topics appearing here will be my random thoughts, though they may tend to run on the same tracks much of the time. A few of my interests include healthy relationships, gender issues, fashion, and cultural trends throughout history. Lessons recorded on this blog could easily fall into any of those categories. My favorite thing about blogging is that you get to share your journey with a whole community of friends (and possibly help them to grow as well), even though you might not see each other every day. If you continue reading, you should see the ways God is stretching and developing me as I learn to dance with Him. Perhaps then we can grow side by side and "be conformed to the image of His Son" (Rom. 8:29 ESV).
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