
Monday, October 6, 2014

What's the Difference?

I want to love people.  I want to make people happy.  I want to marry a good man and love him well.  I want to have children and raise them to love God and obey Him.  I want to be a part of a community of people who choose to love each other because God first loved them and not because their neighbors are all particularly lovely.

More than anything, I want to show people the love that God has for them.  Perhaps, then the pain of the world would not seem so great.  I know that pain and loss and grief for the things that we have lost can make us wonder whether the people around us care or whether God Himself cares.  I know what it's life to feel that the pain of life is just all too difficult and perhaps it were be easier just to die.

I felt that way once.  But then I remembered that God does not do things haphazardly, and He must have put me here for some purpose.  I realized that giving up and surrendering to my own pain would only increase the difficulty for others around me.  For a while, it did not seem that any good could ever come from the losses I had experienced.  It seemed that all the hurt of the world was for naught.  But then I learned to see my pain as a blessing that could help me to touch the hurting, dying world around me.

The world around me is dying for love--God's love.  Often, I do very poorly at loving them the way God has loved me, sin and baggage and all.  Sometimes, I wish that there were perfect people in the world for me to love and almost convince myself that then I could love more perfectly.  But I know that I wouldn't, because I am still human.

So, I know I can't change the whole world.  I cannot make everyone feel the love of God and understand His truth.  But I can reach out to the girl I meet on the sidewalk, the one with deep pain in her eyes, and offer a simple hug.  I can notice others' strengths and encourage them.  I can share the joy God has given me through the multitude of colors and textures present in this world.  I thank God He allows me to see beauty and invite others to join me in admiring it.  I can spread love and joy where I am, knowing that the small difference it makes is enough.

What difference do you want to make?

This color always makes me
extraordinarily happy.
I hope it brightens your day, too!

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