
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The True Model

Since I have been talking with a couple of you over the last few days concerning the value of truth and good examples, I would like to share a story with all of you that speaks to both issues.  My mom won a trip to D.C. when she was a senior in high school.  There she met President Nixon and was amazed to find herself walking on marble sidewalks; but she gained her most valuable lesson in the United States mint.

Being a curious sort of person, she decided to ask as she passed the people sorting money, "How many types of bills do you have to study to be able to sort those so fast?"  The woman looked back at her and said, "We only study the one true bill."

Mom always ends this story by saying, "Then I realized that we should be doing the same thing in our Christian lives.  If we study the truth of the Word of God, we will never be fooled by the lies of the devil."

Knowing the truth is vital in Christianity, in politics, in daily life.  Sometimes it is tempting to seek truth in human reasoning, but God's Word is that Truth which we must know.  If we study the models laid out for us in God's commands, Christ's example, and the Holy Spirit's reminders, we will have no need to rely on faulty human examples or skillful reasoning.  The one true model endures.

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